Monday, 25 July 2016

Sabrina Garciarena and qualities of Luciano Castro

Sbrina Garciarena referred to the hot scene starred with Luciano Castro in "The rich do not ask permission".

Anita (Garciarena) finally had their meeting in private with Rafa (Castro) and actress highlighted the physical qualities of the actor.

"Luciano is a professional, trains every day, has an enviable discipline, likes healthy lifestyle, take care, eat very healthy, he is a very charismatic person and is very cute and athlete, so girls, what they see is truth, "he said.

In dialogue with the Ten / Radio Eleven City, interviewed by Moskita Dead and Nilda Sarli's girlfriend Germán Paoloski added: "With Luciano we are friends, we we're good and we laughed a lot, so you have confidence to play in the scenes of drama, comedy and also in such scenes. "

"For this scene we take the time to make it pretty. The scene we split, is very careful. When we set the scene said we do not have to be a romantic scene itself because the characters are sent, both him which is more rustic like Ana, that is sent and always says what he thinks, "he argued on that point.

And closed on how took her boyfriend that scene: "I do not think he likes to see his wife kissing other, but really understand it because I knew well and laughs with that for an actor is very difficult to have a jealous partner." .

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