Sunday, 10 July 2016

"Happy Bicentennial, Argentina! Independence is a diary of all work and all

Former Minister participated this week in the University Forum for the Bicentennial and there analyzed the ratio of external debt to dependency. "External debt has always been an instrument of domination," he said during the closing day of the Forum at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA.

Related note: In the Bicentennial car he had a sign claiming illegal repression

Under the Bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence, Kicillof said, in relation to the debt policy being conducted by the government of Macri, that: "Never foreign debt taken irresponsibly with private creditors, as it is doing this Government, It had to do with the development and welfare of the people. " In that sense the lawmaker stressed that "the external debt is the backbone of economic program Macri".

Moreover, Kicillof referred to the agreement signed with the vulture funds and stressed that "at some point will come to light the scenes of these agreements because it can not be darker" and explained: "The financial market consolidated historically subjugating the National States and the new stage are the vulture funds ".

Deputy FPV also stressed the policy of debt reduction and economic sovereignty developed by Kirchner: "There is talk of heavy heritage but omitted to say that was the only time when a democratic government was dedicated to getting rid of the chains of debt".

In that direction and in the framework of the bicentennial, Kicillof recalled that "external debt as a form of political domination empty of content to democracy itself because it leaves a State to domestic politics" so that "independence is not only it means not having a viceroy but the government of the day not dependent on the IMF for a loan and pay their bills. " "External debt is a recessive and exclusionary mechanism," he said.

To conclude Kicillof reflected: "In the bicentennial of independence is necessary to resume the debate on the two models of the country at stake, and foreign debt was always central to the neoliberal model reprimarization dwarfing the State and excludes town". And he concluded: "Instead Nestor Kirchner left the crisis without austerity, fostering the domestic market is the engine of recovery of Argentina's economy."

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