Saturday, 28 May 2016

Radio 1's Big Weekend: Meghan Trainor plans 'bathtub shoot'

Despite the All About That Bass singer having a string of hits and a Grammy to her name, vile online trolls have continued to mock her about her weight.

Chatting to Daily Star Online at Radio 1's Big Weekend, Meghan said: "I never read YouTube or Twitter comments.

"I do read Instagram comments though as they are nicer but I can't sit there and read all the nasty things as it would get to my head.

"I thought about doing a photoshoot in a bath tub to show them I'm proud of who am.

"I would want to make it really arty, I wouldn't just do a bikini shoot."

Earlier this month, the 22-year-old slammed her record company after the video for her new single Me Too appeared to have been digitally altered to thin down her waist.

Opening up about the situation, Meg said: " I should have calmed down and taken a few more deep breathes but I just went at it on Snapchat.

"I didn't want my fans to be like where is the video.

"I actually spotted the Photoshopping before they did

"I was really embarrassed about the whole situation and didn't want the track to be all about the controversy but it is."

Chin up Meg, we think you look beautiful just as you are.

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