Tuesday, 24 May 2016

"Hart aber fair" -Talk about smartphones: "Insufficient Internet kills Germany"

Cell-neck, blackberry thumb, Smombies: frank plasberg asked his guests whether smartphones make stupid and sick. The discussion was intense, as you might have thought on the subject.

One might almost think, frank plasberg would have this time dedicated to a rather soft theme: "Always online - make smartphones stupid and ill?" But the discussion was partly violently that guests shared clearly into two camps, and between the two sparks flew.

What especially on very contentious neuroscientist and author ( "cyber sickness!") Manfred Spitzerwas that the question of the program with a double and thundering "Yes!" answered.The smartphone 'm not stupid. It'll make sure that trained on media consumption youths nothingwanted more - except maybe to consume more media.

After all, as Spitzer, had the "young people" now even noticed and coined the term "Smombie" for the soulless zombie smartphone. As such a to let Duygu Gezen marvel, the first social media volunteer ARD. The young woman known in her bed lies "right my phone, left my iPad." Ranga Yogeshwar , charming as ever: "The changes eventually Then there is a man!"

Plasberg, more oriented to the topic, asked towards Gezen: "We have an hour before us, they do it without?" They did not make it.

When after a few minutes the question arose whether the increased smartphone use had not made "the South Koreans' only shortsighted, but also smarter, inspired Spitzer to a facts check. Plasberg "can Gezen woman also googled!" And then she googled the information you fix on her smartphone while Yogeshwar looked interested in her over his shoulder.

Science journalist Yogeshwar took the moderate attitude of open-minded one: "This is a great device that is magic," he said and stated, this technique would meet "a nerve of society." We are just about to learn how to work and would have "away from consumerism towards a design approach". There would be as a wonderful programming from the United States, even children could be introduced to programming with the.

This claim could Frank Thelen only agree. The public entrepreneur, known from Vox broadcast "The Cave of the Lions", said: "If we have children, who can not program today are the illiterates of tomorrow." We would be as a society about to lose touch with a core technology: "Insufficient Internet kills the German economy and kills Germany."Therefore: smartphones and tablet computers in out in the schools, books and worriers.

"I'm not worriers", gave Spitzer points out "I'm a doctor." He was in the broadcast, a study spin, the only way threw depressing findings from the United States, England, China and South Korea to be. Cell-neck, short-sightedness, the so-called blackberry thumb - according to Spitzer all true, absolutely everything "Pipifax". Consuming Facebook about increasing evidence of a risk to slip over a constant dissatisfaction with one's life into a depression.

"Littered the head and sick"

Certainly the new technology is blessing and effective rich, but have also "risks and side effects", which we are not yet sufficiently aware of us. Also demonstrated it could be learned with books better than with any of these programs, of which "our children in mind are full of trash and sick!"

While Spitzer as study stratified on trial, he was weggeschmunzelt cheerful in his eagerness of Yogeshwar and Gezen. The hearing probably only what Plasberg had initially referred rhetorically as "babbling old cultural journalists", the "brace themselves against progress". Sometime drove Gezen the researchers smiling at the parade: "It will come, they can not stop it!" What Spitzer picked up even more ride: "It is not from heaven, we buy it!" Behind the talk of "media literacy" stuck tangible economic interests.

Thelen offensively: "Can you program?" Spitzer: "I do not need I deal with people, not with machines.." Between the techno pessimistic brakeman Spitzer and the turbo digital accelerator Thelen stood at Plasberg and steered life worldly. He himself annoyed the constant notifications when his "Men Round" on WhatsApp arrange to meet for Gin evening.

Plasbergs son and "Angry Birds"

Incidentally, it is something else if a device would be used to Dauerdaddeln or work. His five year old, so Plasberg, look already rather "Angry Birds" -Filmchen, instead of playing "Angry Birds" - as should the youth be there only to something as complex as learning a programming language, thus shaping the future (and save Germany be motivated)?

It was Leni Breymaier , succumbing neither euphoria nor in depression and lift the panel discussion about the conversation level of Gin Round anxious mothers and fathers. The Ver.di trade unionist pointed to a brave new world of work out in the already fell away jobs: "I'm not saying that we want to stop the world", only needed the development control and productivity gains of individual employees to be adjusted.

Models like Daimler, BMW and Deutsche Telekom, according to which workers are almost forced not to squint in her spare time on mails from the operation , are just a drop in the bucket. Freelancers an abstinence in our accelerated times could not afford.

It may be treated as a soft issue. But it is hard, that's for sure.

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