Thursday, 4 August 2016

Kelly Osbourne 'Publicly Exposed Michelle Pugh to Hatred, Contempt, Ridicule and Disgrace,' Says Lawyer

Michelle Pugh, the woman who had a four-year affair with Ozzy Osbourne, filed a lawsuit against the rocker's daughter Kelly Osbourne for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and public disclosure of private facts.

Amid rumors of the affair in May, Kelly sent a series of angry tweets, releasing Pugh's direct phone number and accusing her of "elder abuse." In this week's issue of PEOPLE, Pugh explains the reason behind her lawsuit was because of the public backlash following Kelly's tweets.

And now, Pugh's lawyer, F. Edie Mermelstein, tells PEOPLE exclusively that her client "is taking a stand against cyber harassment and bullying at the hands of Kelly Osbourne.

"In the age of social media, reality TV and the internet, anyone, especially a celebrity can launch a global attack leaving an indelible and permanent stain on a chosen target, while inciting masses to demean, degrade, comment and harass," Mermelstein says in a statement. "Kelly Osbourne, with over four million followers and a strong media presence, intentionally did exactly that to Michelle Pugh on Twitter."

Pugh, a celebrity hair colorist, claims she and Ozzy have been involved since 2012. Ozzy was "the greatest love of my life," she shares with PEOPLE.

"There are laws on our books addressing harm and damage to the reputation of an individual, as well as publication of a person's private facts. In violation of California laws and Twitter rules and policies, Kelly Osbourne publicly exposed my client to hatred, contempt ridicule and disgrace," Mermelstein concludes.

Pugh indicates she sent Kelly a cease and desist letter in May, but asserts that the tweet with her phone number wasn't deleted for nearly a month.

"Not only had Plaintiff begun to be slut-shamed, bullied, and harassed for allegedly breaking up a marriage, but was wrongfully accused of a crime that further held her up to ridicule, hate, and shame," the filed documents state.

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