Sunday, 19 June 2016

Happy Father's Day

IntegraGO conducted a comparative analysis of prices at regional level, taking the same products and their prices in dollars (official listing in each case). More than 2000 prices 9 categories, 26 products, 70 brands and 35 stores in 7 countries were surveyed ( Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Mexico) . The analysis categories were: personal care, headphones, gaming, computers, smartphones, smartwatches, small appliances, refrigeration and video.

Related Note: Listen to the message of Diego Maradona Jr. for Father's Day

Giving in Argentina is more expensive than in other countries in the region.Overall, gathering the dad categories executive (Computer and Technology), dad gourmet (small kitchen appliances), adventurous dad (Audio, cameras and wearables), funny dad (gamming) and flirtatious dad (personal care), and taking as Mexico reference (base price or cheaper),Argentina is a 123.8% more expensive. Uruguay 60.3%, Brazil (56.3%), Peru (24.1%), Colombia (20.3%) and Chile (15.8%).

Executive dad

in profile analysis, buy a gift to the executive dad (printers, notebooks, projectors, smartphones and tablets) is in Argentina , a 134.8% more expensive than in Mexico. in Brazil it is 68.7% more expensive, 52.9% in Uruguay, Peru (27.9%), Chile Colombia 16.7% and 15.9%. as a reference, in each of the categories, Argentina is the most expensive country: Printers a 128.5% more expensive than in Mexico;smartphones, up 111%; notebooks a 167.7; tablets a 170.3%; projectors and a 154.5%. Dad Fun On consoles and games categories in Argentina is 127% more expensive in relation to purchase a product at thelowest price . In Uruguay it is 65.4%, Brazil 21%, Colombia 19.4%, Chile 15.7%. In each case in point : Buy consoles is 109% more expensive in Argentina. 48.4% in Brazil, 20.6% in Peru, Colombia 19.8%, 14.1% and 10.1% in Uruguay in Chile. In this segment, the emblematic cases are the Microsoft Xbox 360, which price is 113.1% more expensive in Argentina, in relation to the reference price (Mexico); Microsoft Xbox One, whose value is 114.7% higher; and Sony PS4, costing 105.5% above the base. In terms of games, Argentina is generally more expensive 139.4%. Followed Uruguay (97.3%); Chile (19.3%); Colombia (19.1%); Peru (7.1%) and Brazil (4%).Specifically, the PS3 is a 146.2% more expensive, the PS4 127.2% 177.6% one Xbox 360 and Xbox One UN 162.1%. Dad Adventurer This page includes categories headsets, cameras and sports, and sports bracelets smartwatches. In the overall analysis, Argentina also in this segment is the most expensive option. A 120.6% compared to Mexico (base price), followed by Uruguay (62.3%), Brazil (47.3%), Peru (31.1%), Colombia (27.7%) and Chile . (11.5%) sports cameras in Argentina are 112.8% more expensive; the smartwatches 103.4%; and sports bracelets 156%. Only in the category headphones Argentina is not the most expensive country but it is Uruguay with 92.9% higher prices.86.9% higher appears in second place with prices. Dad Gourmet Beater / kneading pro ; coffee machines and capsules; cavas; fryers air; design and mini refrigerators; bread ovens and rice cooker; grills, kettles and electric toasters up here. Here, prices in Argentina are 100.7% higher than in Mexico (cheaper price). While in Uruguay they are 73.8%, 60.4% in Brazil, Peru 28%, Colombia and Chile 24.5% 17.7%. Only in the coffee capsule categories, bread machines, cookers and toasters, Argentina is not the most expensive country. In all cases it is the second.Capsule coffee machines: Uruguay (146.1%), Argentina (132%).Breadmakers: Uruguay (146.1%), Argentina (109%). Cookers: Uruguay (126.4%), Argentina (126.1%). Toasters: Brazil (164.5%), Argentina (154.3%)Dad Coqueto Finally, adding categories shavers and hair clippers, prices of the products that compose it are in Argentina 84.9% more expensive than in Mexico . Taking the same base price, Brazil has costs 60.3% higher, Uruguay 55.1%, 42.1% Colombia, Peru and Chile 41.7% 13.7%. shavers and short hair are 74.4% and 125.4%, respectively, more expensive in Argentina

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